Every child has the right to develop his or her full potential as a spiritual, emotional, social, and physical being. Our program thrives to instil a sense of pride and a desire to learn, provide parenting skills, foster emotional and social development, increase confidence, and improve family relationships.

Fostering Culture
The Aboriginal Head Start classroom endeavours to be culturally appropriate in curriculum and atmosphere. Studies show that Early Childhood education programs such as Head Start better equip children to learn while fostering good health, child development, and support to parents in their role as caregivers.
The Program
The program focuses on several components that are key to a child’s development in this stage of life: education, culture, health promotion, nutrition, social support and parent/family involvement

Full Day & Half Day programming
Trained and qualified staff
Parent education classes
Swimming lessons
Gymnastic classes
Community field trips
Cooking activities for families
Social skill development
Nurturing environment
Trained and qualified staff
Snacks & meals

Parenting education classes and workshops
Elder visits
Cultural teachings for families and children
Parent committee and meetings
Developmental assessments
PUF supports through Grande Prairie public school district
Eye exams
Hearing tests
Dental preschool

Daily smudging
Family support and referrals
Family events
Seeds of Empathy program
Moe of the Mouse® - Literacy program
Certified Snoezelen - Room
Literacy bag program
Nurturing the Seed® program
And much more!

Contact Us!

(780) 532-5771

10105 97 Ave
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0N5
(downtown location - main floor)
Funding Partners
The Public Health Agency of Canada provides the primary funding for the Aboriginal Head Start program. Their overall mission is to help the people of Canada maintain and improve their overall health outcomes for all people. The mandate for PHAC focuses on the following six key components: Cultural and Language, Education, Health Promotion, Nutrition, Social Support Programs, and Parental and Family Involvement.