"Pitone" pronounced "Pee-toe-nee"
in the Cree language means HOPE
​The Pitone Youth Group is a program for all youth ages 12 to 17 years old who are currently registered members of the Grande Prairie Friendship Centre
Traditional Values
The program is guided by the traditional values of the Seven Sacred Teachings: Love, Honesty, Respect, Courage, Humility, Wisdom, and Truth. Creating a safe space for Youth to socialize, create healthy relationships, and allow for natural opportunities for peer supports to take place.
Peer Support
Creating a safe space for youth to socialize, create healthy relationships, and allow for natural opportunities for peer supports to take place. Pitone Youth Group offers various activities for youth to take part in-including opportunities to experience culture and learn traditional skills.
Youth Space
The program provides participants access to technology to assist in such things as pursuing educational goals, completing homework, conducting research and resume writing.
Pitone Youth Group is offered regularly with monthly calendars sent to families once youth are registered.
Lindsy Coney, Program Coordinator